How do I access business plan templates?
This article explains how you can load and download business plan templates into the software.
There are different categories of business plan templates available to you.
If you want a taste of what our templates include, visit our business plan template presentation page.
How does the our business plan templates module work?
Download or load
You can either download the business plan templates as a pdf or choose to load them into the software
Download as a PDF
If you download a template as a PDF, you’ll receive a complete business plan that includes both the financial forecast and the editorial section.
Load into the software
If you load a template into the software, a new project will be created, prefilled with templates data.
Both the editorial section and the financial forecast will be prepopulated and you can replace this with your own data.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our business plan templates have been designed to help you better understand what a business plan should look like when completed.
Each template contains a complete business plan based on a made up case:
- Financial forecast:
- Sales forecast
- Overhead budget
- Investment budget
- Financing plan
- Editorial part:
- Executive summary
- Market research (including segment information)
- Strategy
- Operations
- Financial plan
Yes, the software gives you free access to all business plan templates.
Templates loaded in the software count towards your projects limit, whereas downloaded templates don't.
You can find more information about this in this article.
If you can't find a business plan template that matches your sector, write to us at support and we will do our best to add it.
We prioritize the addition of templates according to the number of requests they receive.
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